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NFL has banned Taylor Swift from the Super Bowl because she is too woke!

“The NFL has made the decision to exclude Taylor Swift from performing at the upcoming Super Bowl due to creative differences. While we appreciate Taylor Swift’s immense talent and her dedicated fan base, we believe it is important to curate a halftime show that aligns with the overall vision and theme of the event. We want to ensure that the performance resonates with the diverse audience that tunes in to watch the game.

It is not a reflection of Taylor Swift’s activism or any specific political stance, as we respect and encourage freedom of expression. We have had and will continue to have performers from various backgrounds and with different perspectives grace our halftime stage. Our aim is to maintain a balance that appeals to the wide range of fans who come together to celebrate the Super Bowl.

We thank Taylor Swift for her interest and support, and we wish her continued success in her career. We are excited to announce the performer who will be joining us for the halftime show, as they bring their unique talent and energy to entertain millions of viewers worldwide. Stay tuned for further updates as we prepare for an unforgettable Super Bowl experience.”



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