



Lia Thomas Launches Covert Legal Battle Against Oppressive Ban, Fighting for Her Right to Compete!

Lia Thomas, the swimmer at the centre of one sportโ€™s biggest transgender storms, has been mounting a secret legal challenge against the ban on her competing in elite womenโ€™s races โ€“ including at the Olympics.

Telegraph Sport can reveal that Thomas has asked the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Switzerland to overturn rules brought in by World Aquatics after the American became the first openly transgender person to win a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I title.

Thomasโ€™s triumph in the 500-yard freestyle event in Atlanta, Georgia, almost two years ago made global headlines and sparked a major furore in the United States and beyond over her participation in womenโ€™s races.

Her landmark victory came less than three years after she began transitioning โ€“ she had previously been ranked just 65th over the same distance in the divisionโ€™s male category โ€“ and led to protests from rival swimmers.

The ugly fallout, which continues to this day, has included accusations Thomas had been allowed to use womenโ€™s locker rooms during events, thereby exposing other competitors to her โ€œmale genitaIHer NCAA win was followed three months later by a rule change introduced by World Aquatics banning those to have gone through male puberty from womenโ€™s races under its jurisdiction and introducing a new โ€˜openโ€™ category for those like Thomas.

A growing number of sports governing bodies have been bringing in similar policies amid mounting pressure from athletes, campaigners and politicians to prioritise fairness and safety over inclusion, which a victory for Thomas would leave open to further legal challenges.

โ€˜Fearless advocatesโ€™
Telegraph Sport can reveal that Thomas has hired top Canadian law firm Tyr, the website of which describes its practitioners as โ€œfearless advocatesโ€ who have been involved in โ€œhigh-stakes and precedent-setting casesโ€.

Those brought before CAS โ€“ even ones with a clear public-interest element โ€“ are controversially not publicised and are heard behind closed doors unless the parties involved consent otherwise.

Telegraph Sport has learnt Thomas first went to the court in September, since when World Aquatics has applied to have the case thrown out on the basis she is not currently impacted by its rules because she has not submitted herself to the jurisdiction of USA Swimming, its recognised member association.

A month before Thomasโ€™s NCAA win in March 2022, USA Swimming introduced stricter transgender regulations which controversially stopped short of an outright ban but mandated regular monitoring of such athletesโ€™ testosterone levels.

Less than a month before World Aquatics introduced its own policy in June of that year, Thomas said in an interview with Good Morning America: โ€œItโ€™s been a goal of mine to swim at Olympic trials for a very long time, and I would love to see that through.โ€

She also told ESPN: โ€œThe biggest misconception, I think, is the reason I transitioned. People will say, โ€˜Oh, she just transitioned so she would have an advantage, so she could winโ€™. I transitioned to be happy, to be true to myself.โ€

Having by then graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, Thomas enrolled in law school, at which she planned to focus on civil rights and public interest law.

โ€œHaving seen such hateful attacks on trans rights through legislation, fighting for trans rights and trans equality is something that Iโ€™ve become much more passionate about and want to pursue,โ€ she said.

She has not competed since her fateful NCAA win and her case is unlikely to be heard in time for her to qualify for this summerโ€™s Olympics in Paris. The 2028 Games are in Los Angeles.

โ€˜A 6ft 4in biological man dropping his pantsโ€™
Opposition to her racing in womenโ€™s events has been led in the US by rival swimmer Riley Gaines, with whom Thomas tied for fifth place in the 200 yards freestyle in Atlanta.

Gaines claimed last year that she and others had not been โ€œforewarned beforehand that we would be sharing a locker room with Liaโ€ at events.

โ€œWe did not give our consent; they did not ask for our consent,โ€ Gaines told Fox News. โ€œIn that locker room, we turned around and thereโ€™s a 6ft 4in biological man dropping his pants and watching us undress, and we were exposed to male genitalia.

โ€œNot even probably a year, two years ago, this would have been considered some form of sexual assault, voyeurism. But now, not even are they just allowing it to happen, itโ€™s almost as if these large organisations are encouraging it to happen.

โ€œThat to me was worse than the competition piece.โ€

Thomas responded to her detractors in an interview with Schuyler Bailar, the NCAAโ€™s first trans swimmer.

โ€œTheyโ€™re like, โ€˜We respect Lia as a woman, as a trans woman, whatever, we respect her identity; we just donโ€™t think itโ€™s fairโ€™,โ€ Thomas said on the โ€˜Dear Schuylerโ€™ podcast.

โ€œYou canโ€™t really have that sort of half support, where youโ€™re like, โ€˜Oh, I respect her as a woman here, but not hereโ€™. Theyโ€™re using the guise of feminism to sort of push transphobic beliefs.โ€




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