



Woman Removed By Security From “The View” Audience Crowd, After Causing Non-Stop Disruptions During The Show

A climate activist successfully interrupted a taping of The View while Texas conservative Ted Cruz appeared as a guest, as seen in a clip shared by Extinction Rebellion NYC. The climate activist was removed from the audience of The View by a security guard after they shouted at Republican Senator Ted Cruz during his appearance on the program.

The woman, who was flouting the set’s audience rules, can be heard screaming“F**k you, Ted Cruz, you climate-denying piece of s**t.” The woman’s protest was so successful that she managed to force ABC to take The View off the air for a commercial break, even though they were not planning to do so.

By denying the existence of climate change, Ted Cruz has further harmed the already struggling careers of Texas farmers. Many farmers have lost their jobs or homes due to extreme weather changes, which are only expected to grow worse in the coming years.

“Do you not care about the farmers in Texas?” the protestor could be heard shouting at the conservative senator during his appearance on a nationally broadcast show.

The woman was removed from the set by security guards, and Extinction Rebellion NYC tweeted that she was with their organization. They claimed responsibility for her protest during The View.

The woman’s protest against Ted Cruz sparked “Occupy Park Avenue,” a series of four days climate change protests across New York City that began on Tuesday.

The protests were carefully planned “to draw attention to the need for powerful climate action, we plan to shut down Park Avenue each day,” the group’s website read.

On Monday, Ted Cruz was a guest on The View when he was suddenly interrupted by climate change protesters. In another video that was shared by the New York Communities for Change organization, two more activists can be seen interrupting Cruz while he spoke to the hosts of The View.

The protests coming from the audience caused host Whoopi Goldberg to take notice. With kindness, she addressed them by saying “Excuse me, ladies. Let us do our job. We hear what you have to say, but you got to go. You got to go. You got to let us do our job.”

After the climate protests that took place on Monday during The View, ABC released a statement saying: “Three members of the audience interrupted The View today during Sen. Ted Cruz’s appearance protesting about climate. They were promptly escorted out by security.”

On The View, the hosts asked Cruz why he remained loyal to Donald Trump after Trump demeaned Cruz’s wife and suggested that Cruz’s family was responsible for President Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination.



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