



BREAKING; US Olympic Team Releases Megan Rapinoe After World Cup Blunder

Disclaimer: The following text is a satirical piece intended for humor and entertainment purposes only. It does not reflect the actual views or actions of Megan Rapinoe, or any other individuals or organizations mentioned. Please enjoy this content in the spirit of satire and not as a reflection of real events.

Megan Rapinoe announced her retirement from professional soccer earlier this year. That means no more World Cups or league play after 2023.

Still, all athletes are eligible to try out for the US Olympic Team, of which Rapinoe has been a member for 17 years. This year, however, the team has asked that she step aside.โ€œIn light of the World Cup blunder and the negative attention for kneeling during the National Anthem, the US Olympic Womenโ€™s Soccer team has released Megan Rapinoe,โ€ said Olympic Committee Chairman Joe Barron, โ€œMs. Rapinoe has our deepest respect.โ€

Respect doesnโ€™t translate to a spot on the field, unfortunately. It looks like Rapinoe, who was also released from OL Regign, will be headed into retirement early.What will that retirement look like? Thatโ€™s hard to say. So far, weโ€™ve had her lose a $25 million broadcasting contract with a frictional sports network, so right out of the gate things arenโ€™t going well.

โ€œThis storyline is a little bit different,โ€ said the guy who writes this stuff, โ€œthey donโ€™t actually know or care about the sport theyโ€™re suddenly experts on, so we can literally make anything we want to happen to Ms. Rapinoe.โ€

That almost sounds like a threat, butโ€ฆhas she earned it? Megan Rapinoeโ€ฆhero or traitor? You decide. And now a word from our sponsorโ€ฆ

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