



Kevin Sorbo Teams Up With Kyle Rittenhouse to Slay Whoopi Goldberg on Twitter

The scene was Twitter just before 11. Things were going as things go on the platform for young Kyle Rittenhouse. While discussing his current legal issues with fellow conservative icon Kevin Sorbo, an unwelcome visitor joined the thread: Whoopi Goldberg.

โ€œWhy donโ€™t you get a job and do something besides beg for a living, Kyle?โ€Sorbo immediately bounced back and put Goldberg in her place:

โ€œYou got fired from Star Trek!โ€

Rittenhouse joined the fun:

โ€œLol thatโ€™s right and The View is the lowest-rated show on television.โ€

The pair went on for a while longer before Goldberg deleted the original tweet, which erased the whole chat. We reached out to her and got the typical response. โ€œI donโ€™t comment on nonsense. It does nobody any good for you to continue to make things up, and yet here you are. Just why? Please stop contacting me.โ€Goldbergโ€™s agent, Joe Barron, told us that the star would like to set the record straight on a couple of things: โ€œThe View is and has been the top-rated daytime showโ€ฆforever,โ€ said Barron, โ€œand she definitely wasnโ€™t fired from Star Trek.โ€

Thatโ€™s not what we hear or what we reported, sir, but nice try twisting our truth to meet your narrative. But thatโ€™s what liberals do, isnโ€™t it? They take our entire belief system and twist it into some 21st-century โ€œprogressiveโ€ ideal. Itโ€™s very disturbing.

Weโ€™ll prevail in the end, patriots. Jesus was as American as apple pie, and he was definitely a Christian. God bless America.



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