




Oh, you thought it was gonna be a nice, quiet Labor Day Monday? Not when you live in a world with Clay Travis and Crazy Keith Olbermann! You have to have your head on a swivel at all times when CKO is in the mix.

And, right on cue, here comes our guy out of the basement โ€” mask on, for sure โ€” to defend womenโ€™s sports.

Wait, no. Sorry. Thatโ€™s wrong. Thatโ€™s sane.

Let me try again!

And, right on cue, here comes our guy out of the basement โ€” mask on, for sure โ€” to defend โ€ฆ college bands playing at halftime.

Yep. Clay found Keithโ€™s line in the sand, and itโ€™s college bands playing a halftime show on the field.

Forget Riley Gaines. This is what bravery looks like, folks:

Keith Olbermann is here to defend the bands
This Keith Olbermann is something else. Seriously. What happened to him? I mean, my God. What a looney-tune.

THIS is what Keithโ€™s defending?! College football HALFTIME SHOWS?! Thatโ€™s the big one? This is where heโ€™s gonna challenge Clay Travis? On the future of โ€ฆ college football halftime shows?


By the way, Clay is right. I know everyoneโ€™s just gonna say Iโ€™m only saying that because heโ€™s my boss, but Iโ€™m not. He wouldnโ€™t cancel me for disagreeing with him โ€” heโ€™s not ESPN.

But Iโ€™m not, because heโ€™s not wrong. Nobody gives a crap about college halftime shows. You know what fans do during halftime?

We go and take a piss and then get two more beers for $30 while scrolling through Twitter (x?) checking our bad gambling beats.

Thatโ€™s what we do, crazy Keith Olbermann. We donโ€™t watch the bands. We donโ€™t care about the stupid bands. You might, because youโ€™re a weirdo, but sane people donโ€™t.

Oh well, canโ€™t say itโ€™s all the surprising. As Clay said, itโ€™s pretty on brand for CKO. Itโ€™s not even that funny any more. Just sort of sad at this point.

Happy Labor Day, Keith. Clemson-Duke starts at 8 tonight, which means halftime will be around 9:45. Donโ€™t forget to set your DVR!


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