



Megan Rapinoe Says She Will Not Become A Politician

Apparently soccer star Megan Rapinoe will not become the next Secretary of State in a Jay Inslee administration.

The Washington state governor, a Democratic candidate for president, has said he would make Rapinoe his Secretary of State if elected. But today on Meet The Press, the team co-captain of the US Womenโ€™s National Soccer team said she prefers to keep playing.

โ€œIโ€™m not sure Iโ€™m qualified for office,โ€ Rapinoe said Sunday when asked by host Chuk Todd whatโ€™s next for her after leading the US women to their second consecutive World Cup championship.

Todd responded: โ€œThereโ€™s no qualifications for office these days.โ€

Rapinoe replied, โ€œThatโ€™s true, up to 44, I guess there was.โ€ President Donald Trump is the 45th president.

The purple haired Rapinoe, who kneels during the National Anthem, has rejected a White House visit, and is known for inserting expletives in her public utterances, has been using the platform gained by kicking a soccer ball to elevate her views in other areas. She said she plans to keep pushing for equal pay for the womenโ€™s team.

โ€œIโ€™m gonna fight for equal pay every day, for myself, for my team and for every single person out there โ€” man, woman, immigrant, US citizen, person of color, whatever it may be,โ€ Rapinoe said. โ€œEqual pay, as the great Serena Williams said, โ€™til Iโ€™m in my grave.โ€™โ€

Rapinoe also talked about her polarizing personality.โ€œI think Trumpโ€™s message excludes people that look like me and that are me, of course,โ€ Rapinoe said. โ€œBut it excludes a lot of people in his base as well, and I think that heโ€™s trying to divide so he can conquer, not unite so we all can conquer.โ€



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