



Tennis Legend Martina Navratilova Calls Out Megan Rapinoe Over Her Trans Athletes Comments: ‘Really Megan?’

Politics and ideology often make for strange bedfellows โ€” and no topic makes that clearer than transgenderism.

Take, for example, the concept of a โ€œTERFโ€ (trans-exclusionary radical feminist).

Thereโ€™s not much conservative about a radical feminist. In fact, radical feminism is about as antithetical to conservatism as transgenderism is, and yet, when it comes to boys and girls suddenly deciding that theyโ€™re not a boy or a girl, conservatives and TERFs are actually in wholehearted agreement.erhaps the most famous TERF going right now is Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, but donโ€™t discount tennis legend Martina Navratilova.

Sheโ€™s another woman who is sick and tired of men spontaneously deciding that the womenโ€™s bathroom is right for them or that womenโ€™s sports are fair game for athletes who are naturally bigger, faster and stronger than women.One female athlete who doesnโ€™t seem to care as much about men running rampant in womenโ€™s sports is soon-to-be-retired soccer star Megan Rapinoe โ€” and Navratilova took her to task over it.

On Monday, Time magazine published a puff-piece interview with Rapinoe in which the U.S. Womenโ€™s National Team player tore into the people trying to preserve the integrity of womenโ€™s sports.โ€œWe as a country are trying to legislate away peopleโ€™s full humanity,โ€ Rapinoe said.

โ€œItโ€™s particularly frustrating when womenโ€™s sports is weaponized,โ€ she continued. โ€œOh, now we care about fairness? Now we care about womenโ€™s sports? Thatโ€™s total bulls***.

โ€œAnd show me all the trans people who are nefariously taking advantage of being trans in sports. Itโ€™s just not happening.โ€ (Well, it is happening, actually.)I donโ€™t want to mince words about it,โ€ Rapinoe said. โ€œDave Chappelle making jokes about trans people directly leads to violence, whether itโ€™s verbal or otherwise, against trans people.

โ€œWhen Martina [Navratilova] or [ESPN host Sage Steele] or whoever are talking about this, people arenโ€™t hearing it just in the context of elite sports. Theyโ€™re saying, โ€˜The rest of my life, this is how Iโ€™m going to treat trans people.โ€™โ€After Rapinoe directly called out Navratilova, the tennis icon returned fire, at first merely expressing shock at Rapinoeโ€™s comments, which were reported on by CNN.

โ€œYikesโ€ฆโ€ Navratilova tweeted.It didnโ€™t take long for her to go after Rapinoe by name, however.

โ€œHmmm,โ€ she wrote the next day. โ€œReally Megan?โ€Perhaps the worst part of the Rapinoe interview was when she said she would have โ€œabsolutelyโ€ no problem with a transgender โ€œwomanโ€ taking the place of a real woman on the U.S. womenโ€™s soccer team.

โ€œโ€˜Youโ€™re taking a โ€˜realโ€™ womanโ€™s place,โ€™ thatโ€™s the part of the argument thatโ€™s still extremely transphobic,โ€ she said. โ€œI see trans women as real women. What youโ€™re saying automatically in the argument โ€” youโ€™re sort of telling on yourself already โ€” is you donโ€™t believe these people are women. โ€ฆ I donโ€™t feel that way.โ€

Gee, what an awfully convenient bit of virtue-signaling right as Rapinoeโ€™s forthcoming retirement ensures this hypothetical trans athlete canโ€™t take her spot on the USWNT.

โ€œInteresting how these women at the end of their career or have retired kick the ladder from under younger female athletes to appear progressive. They are a disgrace,โ€ one Twitter user said.โ€œI really donโ€™t get it,โ€ Navratilova responded.

Thereโ€™s not much to get. Rapinoe is accumulating as much clout as she can before she fades into relative obscurity; itโ€™s just a shame that she can use the โ€œpro-LGBTโ€ label as a guise for it. (Her โ€œwife,โ€ WNBA star Sue Bird, also recently retired, leaving the LGBT power couple to face the frightening prospect of life outside the spotlight.)

Who cares if future generations of female athletes are sidelined while men take the winnersโ€™ podium if youโ€™re on your way out anyway?

Rapinoe has milked every last bit of personal gain that she can out of womenโ€™s sports, so who cares if it gets razed to the ground now?



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