



Just in: Elon Musk Bashes ‘Woke’ ‘Barbie’ Movie On Twitter, Calls For Boycott

In an unexpected twist in the ongoing saga of the widely panned ‘Barbie’ movie, tech billionaire and Twitter’s unofficial critic-in-chief, Elon Musk, has entered the chat. His latest tweet – a biting critique of the overly ‘woke’ film – has sent ripples through Hollywood and cyberspace, sparking laughter, outrage, and every reaction in between.

It all began on a slow news day, when the SpaceX and Tesla CEO decided to break the monotony by taking a jab at the ‘Barbie’ movie, a film that’s been limping along at the box office while simultaneously serving as a punching bag for critics. One can only imagine Musk, in the confines of his high-tech lair, taking a break from solving the world’s transportation and colonization problems to share his astute film critique.

“‘Barbie’ – worst movie ever,” Musk tweeted, adding a facepalm emoji for good measure. He didn’t stop there, though. In true Musk style, he added, “‘Woke’ to the point of being comatose. Needed a Neuralink to endure it.” Ah, Elon, always the master of subtlety.The Twitterverse reacted as expected. The tweet ignited a flurry of responses, retweets, memes, and an explosion of discussions ranging from those fervently agreeing to others jumping to the film’s defense. And of course, there were those who were there just for the popcorn-worthy drama.

But let’s pause and consider this a moment. Isn’t there something deliciously ironic about Elon Musk, a man known for pushing the boundaries of technology and societal norms, critiquing a film for being too ‘woke’? Is this the pot calling the kettle black, or perhaps Musk simply proving that he’s the only one allowed to shake up the status quo?Meanwhile, as Musk’s tweet continued to trend, the ‘Barbie’ movie received the kind of publicity that even the most seasoned PR professionals couldn’t drum up. After all, it isn’t every day that your film gets roasted by one of the world’s richest men. The dubious honor was not lost on the film’s PR team, who seemed unsure whether to cry or pop the champagne.

Hollywood, too, watched in a mix of bemusement and horror. Never one to miss out on a spectacle, Tinseltown insiders were left wondering if Musk’s tweet signaled his next venture into film criticism, or God forbid, filmmaking. Just imagine the ‘woke’ levels of a Musk-directed movie set on Mars, complete with Dogecoin as the official currency.

As for the general public, they reveled in the unexpected drama. Nothing beats the sheer delight of seeing a tech mogul bash a Hollywood film. The social media frenzy was testament to our collective love for controversies, especially ones that involve big names and bigger egos.Still, one can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for the ‘Barbie’ movie. What started as a humble attempt to reimagine a childhood icon for the modern world turned into a symbol of woke culture gone awry, and now it has the dubious honor of being declared the “worst movie ever” by none other than Elon Musk. That’s got to sting.

Yet, in the grand scheme of things, this episode is but a blip in the saga of the ‘Barbie’ movie. It has weathered worse storms – box office flops, criticism from purists, and now a scathing review from a tech billionaire. If anything, it’s a testament to the film’s resilience, or at least, its knack for staying in the news.

And what of Musk? Well, after causing a Twitterstorm, he’s probably retreated to his lair, chuckling at the chaos he’s created. Or maybe he’s busy drafting his next tweet, ready to stir the pot once more.

The drama didn’t end with Musk’s critique of the ‘Barbie’ movie. In an unexpected follow-up tweet, he took things to a new level by urging his millions of followers to boycott the film altogether. “Save your time and your dollars. Boycott ‘Barbie’,” he declared in a tweet that was as shocking as it was brief. It was an unprecedented move that left both the film industry and Twitterati stunned.

This call for a boycott upped the ante in the unfolding drama, transforming Musk from a snarky critic to an active participant in the movie’s ongoing struggle. It wasn’t just about a billionaire’s whims anymore; it was about a powerful figure leveraging his influence to potentially sway the movie’s commercial fate.Hollywood and the ‘Barbie’ movie team could only watch in wide-eyed horror as Musk’s tweet gained traction. All the while, Twitter users watched in fascination, popcorn in hand, as the drama took on an increasingly surreal quality. A Barbie movie boycott? It was the kind of plot twist you couldn’t make up if you tried.

Whatever the case, one thing’s for sure – between the ‘Barbie’ movie’s incessant ‘wokeness’ and Musk’s cheeky tweets, we’re in for a wild ride. So sit back, grab your popcorn, and get ready for the next episode of “Elon Musk vs. The World”. After all, in this age of social media, even a ‘Barbie’ movie can spark a revolution, especially when the puppet master is none other than Elon Musk himself.So, here’s to the drama, the laughter, and the sheer unpredictability of our modern world. May the ‘Barbie’ movie find its footing, may Musk find his next target, and may we, the humble audience, continue to enjoy the show. In the end, isn’t that what entertainment’s all about?


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